Auntemma’s Blog

Just another weblog


The reality shows have NOT really become a reality since the show “beverly hills nannies”. Its a show that exposes the lifestyle on NOT the everyday nanny but a beverly hills nanny with the parade of all the glitz and glamour involved. The Beverly hills nanny is based on image and style versus experience and skill of a regular nanny. Im not knocking them for what they do and what they have to put up with working for these high maintenance families, but i just think that they don’t really portray the definition of what a real nanny should really be branded as, which is a substitute for the parents that will enhance the qualities of raising the children in a safe, loving and secure atmosphere. In this show they(the nannies) believe that they are accessories to the families they work for, like really? I do understand that beverly hills is all about image, but is this really what nannying has come down to? being an accessory? what does that even mean? what about meeting the children’s needs?

Alright, so anyways, I wanna talk about one of the characters “lucy”, who seemed heavily concerned on what she was going to wear for the interview, which was great, because you have got to be conscious on how you present yourself in an interview which to me is , less make up, toned down accessories, hairstyle that shows most of your face because you have nothing to hide, no heels, and no scents.. which i talk about in my book “NANNY ETIQUETTE”.  I’m honing in on lucy because, she got to her client and she just started to talk way too much to a point the lady interviewing her was irritated. When on an interview, less talking is more! don’t show off to your clients who you know and how you feel you can help them in their personal/business life with the people you know. Calm down and listen!  nobody will want to hire a nanny that talks too much. Remember, this is their personal space and they don’t want to feel like they hired a reporter! Sell your skill not your image!!

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