Auntemma’s Blog

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Perfection Is Too Low a Standard March 15, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — auntemma @ 2:26 pm

Perfection Is Too Low a Standard.


Seven ways for a Nanny to keep healthy March 7, 2012

Filed under: SEVEN WAYS TO KEEPING NANNY HEALTHY — auntemma @ 2:53 am
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Seven ways for a nanny to keep happy and healthy

There are lots of nanny job descriptions that require nannies to be “fun and energetic”, so my concern is how are you as a nanny keeping yourself energized and positive so as to create a loving care giving atmosphere for the children you are taking care of? A happy nanny spells out happy children. I am reminded of the flight instructions given by the air hostesses before take off, “ when the oxygen mask drops, make sure you fasten yours first before you can help anyone else’s”. I used to think, “what a selfish thing to say” but every time I flew I found myself thinking more and more about the instruction prompted. You cannot really be of much help to anyone unless you are first taken care of. You cannot give love unless you first love yourself. You can only give what you have. So with all this said, I have come up with seven ways you can keep yourself balanced, fun and energetic so that you can have all that it takes to be the nanny you need to be.

1. Meditation- take time each morning before you start your day to meditate and put your spirit in check. If you are spiritually imbalanced, it will show forth in your physical behavior. I know some who take time to say a prayer for themselves so that their day maybe well guarded.
2. Exercise- We all know the profits of getting in shape. It helps with the mind flow, increases energy which every nanny needs and most of all increases metabolism that helps burn out the unnecessary calories that we find ourselves snacking into with the children. An unfit nanny is unable to keep up with the daily activities children require.
3. Healthy foods- Its imperative as a nanny that you keep up a great diet. Eating foods that are loaded with sugar can end up slowing down your energy towards the end of the day, which is when you need your energy the most especially with dinner, homework and bath time. Try and buy healthy snacks during the weekend to store up for the week, so that when the craving comes knocking in you have a chance to pull out the healthy choice versus the unhealthy snack on impulse.
4. Take your vitamins- As nannies we get exposed to all manner of germs from the children we care for, so taking your essential vitamins are a must to keep your immune system strong and healthy. Visit your nearest health food store and pharmacist that will help you with the right choice of vitamins to take.
5. Read- when the children nap, make use of the time to accrue some knowledge or to keep your mind entertained with great novels. Its proven that reading helps reduce stress, contributes tranquility, improves analytical thinking, improves your memory, improves your vocabulary and writing skills and serves as a great distraction from a busy stressful day.
6. Socialize- socializing is said to be a great stress reliever. Getting together with friends, doing dinner, movies, spa retreats and the likes helps in building up a happier healthy you. Get involved with organizations that celebrate your passion like book clubs, non profit organizations, churches and so on.
7. Visit your doctor for check ups- its important to take care of you and making sure you have what it takes to be mentally and physically capable of handling children. I know most nannies struggle with the area of health insurance, but there are some programs out there that cater health care for domestic workers such as nannies and housekeepers that are not supported by corporations. is a great program to look into for more information regarding this program please call 908-325-5176, Glenn Davis.

I know that by following these ways, it will help make you a healthier and happier nanny which will be very much appreciated by the children you care for and the parents that hire you..

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